Sunday, May 21, 2017


Hellooooo!  So now that I have my own social media page, I thought it only fair to share my story so you can see for yourself that I am indeed as sweet and humble as any other canine in the blogosphere.

My early baby life is but a distant fog, but I suspect I was switched at the hospital.  They tell me I was born on a Monday, and that I am a Pom-a-Poo.  I don’t buy that malarkey for a minute.  Everybody knows that PPs are born only on Wednesdays.  Since I was born on a Monday, I know in my heart that I’m a full-breed Italian Spinoni.  And stop laughing, that’s not a dessert.  My undercover sources told me that my birth name was Princess La-Dee-Dah Sneed of Moldova.  I also suspect that they gave me growth-stunting tobacco juice in my formula, thus passing me off as this PP.  This is probably why I’m prone to smoking cigars after the bipeds have sacked in for the night.

I just want y’all to know that, even though I began life as royalty, my adoptive bipeds are really impeccable and praiseworthy, and I'm exquisitely happy.  However, I've never been particularly in love with the namby-pamby moniker my adoptive bipeds foisted on me -– "Minnie Kay"!  Gag. They could have kept my royal name, but nooooooo, they had to re-name me after the mommie biped’s wizened maternal ancestor.  They think it’s clever to name their furred children after family members.  There's a rumor that, long before me, there was a feline in this household named … Muppet!  I’m afraid to ask daddy biped about his highly-decorated ancestor, General Muppet Overstreet, in the Revolutionary War.

I may have overstayed my welcome into techno society, so I'll end by requesting that if you think that I’m ethereal and winsome, please, share with your international friends.  Particularly in Europe, where I may someday meet my original birth family.  Ta-ta until next Monday, when I'll fill you in on my daily activities whilst living in a household of (gasp!) felines.


Okay, there’s one thing you should understand about the mom biped.   She’s a little freakishly in love with my assorted body parts.   A ...